Upcoming Events

Thank you to everyone who requested tickets! Keep an eye out for a confirmation email next week! 


電影之夜的報名已截止。請留意下週的確認電子郵件。在您收到來自 events@wedgeworthpto.org 的確認郵件之前,門票尚未保證

Events 101

Did you know the PTO facilitates multiple social events throughout the school year? Why? Because social events add value. It's true! Social events are fun and create a space where friendships can grow, parents can meet each other and Wedgeworth staff outside of the regular school routines, and a sense of community is fostered.

Joining PTO is a great way to stay informed about upcoming events and join other parents in supporting them through donations and volunteering. It takes a village to pull them off and friendships have often been formed in the process! You can also find out more about upcoming events here on our website or follow us on social media to learn about upcoming events. 

Past events have included:

. . .  and many more


In addition to organizing special events, the PTO supports Wedgeworth in important ways such as providing snacks, food, and treats for school-wide events and prizes for exemplary performance that each student has the opportunity to earn. We could not pull off any of that or any events without generous donations from our community. 

We occasionally accept one-time gifts and material donations through our posted sign-ups specific to particular needs or events. We also do our best to create engaging fundraisers for interested families to participate in. These help fill in the financial gaps in ways we hope will also build a sense of community and teamwork in a fun way. No matter how you prefer to give we appreciate it greatly. Every donation makes a positive impact on our school.